Friday, August 10, 2007

The new blog

Apparently many of my friends took offense when I killed my myspace, so this came into being just for them so they can enjoy my wild rantings. My formal opinion on myspace is that it is just a hop, skip, and a jump from being a complete place or pedophiles and stalkers of all kinds. I do not want to display myself partly dressed or attempt to collect the most friends or stress because "omg! so and so removed me from his/her top friends, what happened??". So myspace so long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu to you.

A bit about my summer for my readers: I have worked. Worked the entire time besides one weekend when I went to Philly. Really, nothing else. Next week I am working and then school starts. Oh joy! Besides that I have cooked a lot, injured myself frequently, been stalked (CVS guy- for those who know), and successfully managed to not save that much money for all the long hours I have put in. Sigh, there's always next year... and if there isn't well I'll be dead anyways and then it wouldn't matter. There's always that silver lining somewhere. :)

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